
Svezia, Inferno e Paradiso


Acid Mother TV


The Virgin Mary would like you to note
that due to the overwhelming response
to her previous appearances and communications,
She asked the Angel Gabriel to set up a website
Message board opinions especially welcome.....
Your voice will be heard....every voice counts...
and no-one will be discounted...
She will take every opinion into her own hands...
and massage it gently before sending back.
Are you set up... to get back to your visions?
Your voices please.

Gilli Smyth & Planet Gong



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britney spears?




<--Tracy in the Paris Catacombs

We chained our pushbikes to the railings, and trotted across the bright late afternoon road, bought tickets at the tiny ticket booth in the entrance, then clattered unattended down an iron staircase deep down into the chilly damp depths of Catacombs that burrow innumerable labyrinths underneath the streets of Paris.

Briefly, these Catacombs had been most extensively used during the French Revolution by aristocrats evading the guillotine. After the revolution they were used to store the bones from surface cemetries which were cleared to create land for building. More recently, it is said that they were used by the Resistance during the Nazi occupation to hide fugitives. During the 1950s, the Parisian Situationists accidentally discovered a previously unknown entrance in to the Catacombs and spent sometime exploring the disused and unlit sections as part of their Psychogeographical research. Guy Debord makes references to this Situationist activity in his 1958 essay "The theory of the derive", claiming that "slipping by night into buildings undergoing demolition, hitch-hiking non-stop and without destination through Paris during a transportation strike in order to add to the confusion, wandering in subterranean catacombs forbidden to the public" were typically seen as revolutionary acts by the Situationist participants. Later, (in another essay "The Adventure" December 1960) Debord re-uses the Catacombs as a metaphor for the subversive nature of the Situationist ideology "The Situationists are in the catacombs of the visible culture".



Yoga is evil

Não importa o que professores de ginástica digam em contrário, a ioga não se limita a exercícios físicos. A escolha de que exercícios físicos praticar é pessoal. Todavia, os cristãos não deixariam nada — nem treinamento físico, alimentação, bebida, roupa, diversão, nem outra coisa — arruinar seu relacionamento com Jeová Deus. (1 Coríntios 10:31) Para os que fazem exercícios só por motivos de saúde, há muitas opções disponíveis que não envolvem expor-se aos perigos do espiritismo ou do ocultismo. Por nos mantermos livres das práticas e crenças que se arraigam na religião falsa podemos esperar receber a bênção de Deus de um novo sistema justo em que teremos perfeita saúde física e mental por toda a eternidade. — 2 Pedro 3:13; Revelação (Apocalipse) 21:3, 4.


mi conejito

the nanometer-silver cryptomorphic condom

The condom-in-a-can is essentially an antiseptic foam spray that the manufacturer claims forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect.

It's designed for female rather than male usage.