


Titan 1 Missile Base

If you are only interested in using the place as a residence then you have your choice of 16 buildings to choose from. The Power Dome alone is 125' in diameter with about a 65' center ceiling. That's more than 12,000 square feet of open space. You could literally build any type of typical house INSIDE the Power Dome - if that was what you wanted to do. OR You could remodel all or part of the Control Dome, which itself is a 100' diameter two story dome containing over 7800 square feet in the first floor alone. OR you could decide to live in one of the THREE, four story equipment terminal buildings that contain about 1200 square feet of floor space on EACH floor!! OR you could build an apartment in the AIR INTAKE BUILDING, which OVERLOOKS the Power Dome so you could have an UNDERGROUND APARTMENT WITH A VIEW!! The Air Intake Building is 60' in diameter with about a 20' high ceiling!! That works out to about 2800 square feet of living space. OR you could choose to live in one or BOTH of the Antenna SILOS - They are 30' in diameter with about a 40' ceiling ON THE FIRST FLOOR! The lower level is also 30' in diameter with about a 20' ceiling. ADDITIONALLY, if you chose to live in one or both of the Antenna Silos, you could retrofit the ANTENNA SILO - SILO DOORS - each weighing about 50 tons - with a new hydraulic opening system and then you could have your own push button 100-ton opening skylight. And if you really wanted to go whole hog, you could live in the bottom of one of the 155’ tall MISSILE SILOS and retrofit the 150 ton SILO DOORS so you could push a button and open them up – 155’ above the floor!!


Escort menu

69 (69 sex)
Anal (Anal sex)
A-Level (5 star escort)
BJ (Blowjob)
CBJ (Covered Blow Job; Oral sex with a condom)
CID (Come In Deep)
CIF (Come In Face)
CIM (Come In Mouth)
COB (Come On Body)
COF (Come On Face)
Completion (Oral to completion)
DATY (Dinner At The Y)
DFK (Deep French Kissing)
DSL (Dick Sucking Lips)
DT (Dining at the Toes English Spanking)
Doggie (Sex style from behind)
Duo (Sex with two escorts; Threesome with the client)
Extraball (Have sex many times)
FK (French kissing, Kissing with tongue)
GFE (Girl Friend Experience)
HJ (Hand Job)
Incall (You meet the girl at their place)
LT (Long Time; Usually overnight)
O-Level (Oral sex)
OWO (Oral without a condom)
Rimming (Anilingus)



Arrière cuisse BCUH/Hind haunch BCUH/ Hinterhesse Keule BCUH/ Trasera Muslo BCUH/Posteriore Coscia BCUH/ Traseiro Perna redonda BCUH

Top side
Falsches Filet Kopf
Filete de pierna

Tranche grasse
Thick flank
Taglio di carne di manzo comprendente
rosa e piccione

Rumsteck avec aiguillette baronne
Rump, full cut
Hüfte (mit Deckel)
Cadera con tapilla
Scamone con coperchio
Alcatra c/posta da coxa

Jarret avec os
Shin with bone
Haxe mit Knochen
Jarette con hueso
Parte inferiore della noce e della spalla con osso
Jarrete c/osso

Industriels et éleveurs de Poitou-Charentes regroupés pour satisfaire vos besoins Ce catalogue concrétise la volonté des professionnels de la filière viande de Poitou-Charentes qui unissent leurs compétences pour faire reconnaître la dynamique de leur région. Ce catalogue est un outil de référence que nous, professionnels, souhaitons mettre à disposition de nos clients pour faciliter toute relation commerciale. Ce guide crée un système de nomenclature standardisé : chaque produit est schématisé, représenté par une photo, identifié par son nom et un numéro que vous pourrez utiliser comme point de départ commun pour des transactions d'affaires fructueuses. Evidemment, toute spécification particulière sera ensuite étudiée dans le cadre de la relation de partenariat qui unit les professionnels de Poitou-Charentes à leur client. POITOU-CHARENTES INDUSTRIALISTS AND STOCKBREEDERS JOIN FORCES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS This catalogue gives concrete expression to the desire of Poitou-Charentes professionals in the meat-producing sector to join forces for the acknowledgement of their region's dynamism. This catalogue is a reference tool that us professionals are putting at our customers disposal in order to make business relations easier. This guide makes up a standardized nomenclature system: each product is identified by a diagram, a picture, a name and a number, which you will be able to use as a common starting point for fruitful business transactions. Naturally, any particular specification will be examined separately within the framework of the partnership agreement signed between a Poitou-Charentes professional and its customer. DIE VEREINIGUNG DER INDUSTRIELLEN UND VIEHZUCHTER DER POITOU-CHARENTES BEFRIEDIGT IHRE BEDURFNISSE Dieser Katalog bringt den Wunsch der Fleischbranche der Poitou-Charentes konkret zum Ausdruck. Die verschiedenen Fachberufe haben ihre Kompetenzen vereint und bemhen sich um die Anerkennung ihrer dynamischen Region. Dieser Katalog ist ein echtes Referenz-Werkzeug und für die Vereinfachung der Geschäftsbeziehungen gedacht. Wir die Professionellen, stellen ihn unseren Kunden zur Verfgung. Dieser F¸hrer ist nach einer standardisierten Nomenklatur aufgebaut. Jedes Produkt ist schematisiert, mit einem Foto dargestellt, mit seinem Namen und einer Nummer gekennzeichnet. Sie dient Ihnen als gemeinsamer Ausgangspunkt für alle erfolgreichen Gesch”ftstransaktionen. Natürlich wird jede besondere Spezifikation anschlieþend im Rahmen einer parterschaftlichen Beziehung, die die Fachbranche der Poitou-Charentes an ihre Kunden bindet, untersucht. INDUSTRIALES Y GANADEROS DE POITOU-CHARENTES REAGRUPADOS PARA SATISFACER A SUS NECESIDADES Este catálogo concreta la voluntad de los profesionales del escalofón carne de Poitou-Charentes, quienes unen sus competencias para hacer conocer la dinámica de su región. Este catálogo es un útil de referencia que nosotros, profesionales, deseamos poner a la disposición de nuestros clientes para facilitar todo tipo de relación comercial. Esta guía crea un sistema de nomenclatura normalizada : se esquematiza cada producto y se le representa con una foto, cada una de ellas tiene un nombre y un número, los cuales podrán utilizarse como punto de partida común para transaciones de negocios fructuosos. Naturalmente, se estudiará a continuación cualquier especificación particular en el ámbito de las relaciones de colaboración que unen a los profesionales de Poitou-Charentes con sus clientes . Région Poitou Charentes INDUSTRIALI ED ALLEVATORI DI POITOU-CHARENTES RAGGRUPPATI PER SODDISFARE LE VOSTRE ESIGENZE Questo catalogo concretizza la volontà dei professionisti del settore carne di Poitou-Charentes che uniscono le loro competenze per rendere nota la dinamica della loro regione. Questo catalogo è uno strumento di riferimento che noi, professionisti, desideriamo mettere a disposizione dei nostri clienti per agevolare le relazioni commerciali. Questa guida crea un sistema di nomenclature standardizzato: ogni prodotto è schematizzato, rappresentato da una fotografia, identificato dal suo nome e da un numero che potrà essere utilizzato come punto di partenza in comune per transazioni di affari fruttuose. Evidentemente, qualunque specifica particolare sarà in seguito studiata nell¼ambito della relazione di partnership che unisce i professioni di Poitou-Charentes ai loro clienti. INDUSTRIAIS E CRIADORES DA REGIAO DE POITOU-CHARENTES UNIDOS PARA RESPONDER AS SUAS NECESSIDADES Este catálogo concretiza o interesse dos profissionais do sector da carne da região de Poitou-Charentes que é de unir todas as competencias no objectivo de dar a conhecer a dinâmica desta terra. Este catálogo é uma ferramenta de referencia que nós, os profissionais, desejamos por à disposição dos nossos clientes para facilitar as relações comerciais. Este guia cria um sistema de nomenclatura standardizado: cada produto é esquematizado, representado por uma fotografia, identificado com o nome e um número, e que pode ser utilizado como ponto de partida comum para negócios futuros. Obviamente, qualquer especificação será depois estudada no âmbito da relação de participação que une os profissionais da região de Poitou-Charentes com os seus clientes.
Hubert CLERGEAU Le Président représentant l'Industrie
Joseph GABORIT Le Président représentant l'élevage




mas que motivos???
