Empowering T-Shirts
This is the shirt that puts you in control. This shirt is empowering. Being an intelligent woman, you know that it is your choice whether you have sex. You know that you are the only deciding factor; it is within your control. Legal definition of rape: sex taken against one's will. In other words, it's a matter of consent. Therefore, as long as you give consent, you cannot be raped. This T-shirt is a fail-proof protection against the only crime worse than murder. Defend yourself from the patriarchy's most oppressive tool against women. Buy this T-shirt.
For information on how to assert your individuality and order the "I Consent" T-shirt, visit EmpoweringTshirts.com
Posted by Gárgula Eléctrica 0 comments
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Escort menu
69 (69 sex) |
Anal (Anal sex) |
A-Level (5 star escort) |
BJ (Blowjob) |
CBJ (Covered Blow Job; Oral sex with a condom) |
CID (Come In Deep) |
CIF (Come In Face) |
CIM (Come In Mouth) |
COB (Come On Body) |
COF (Come On Face) |
Completion (Oral to completion) |
DATY (Dinner At The Y) |
DFK (Deep French Kissing) |
DSL (Dick Sucking Lips) |
DT (Dining at the Toes English Spanking) |
Doggie (Sex style from behind) |
Duo (Sex with two escorts; Threesome with the client) |
Extraball (Have sex many times) |
FK (French kissing, Kissing with tongue) |
GFE (Girl Friend Experience) |
HJ (Hand Job) |
Incall (You meet the girl at their place) |
LT (Long Time; Usually overnight) |
Massage |
O-Level (Oral sex) |
OWO (Oral without a condom) |
Rimming (Anilingus) |
Rubdowns |
Strip-tease |
Tour |
Posted by Kinoape 0 comments

Arrière cuisse BCUH/Hind haunch BCUH/ Hinterhesse Keule BCUH/ Trasera Muslo BCUH/Posteriore Coscia BCUH/ Traseiro Perna redonda BCUH
Top side
Falsches Filet Kopf
Filete de pierna
Tranche grasse
Thick flank
Taglio di carne di manzo comprendente
rosa e piccione
Rumsteck avec aiguillette baronne
Rump, full cut
Hüfte (mit Deckel)
Cadera con tapilla
Scamone con coperchio
Alcatra c/posta da coxa
Jarret avec os
Shin with bone
Haxe mit Knochen
Jarette con hueso
Parte inferiore della noce e della spalla con osso
Jarrete c/osso
Industriels et éleveurs de Poitou-Charentes regroupés pour satisfaire vos besoins Ce catalogue concrétise la volonté des professionnels de la filière viande de Poitou-Charentes qui unissent leurs compétences pour faire reconnaître la dynamique de leur région. Ce catalogue est un outil de référence que nous, professionnels, souhaitons mettre à disposition de nos clients pour faciliter toute relation commerciale. Ce guide crée un système de nomenclature standardisé : chaque produit est schématisé, représenté par une photo, identifié par son nom et un numéro que vous pourrez utiliser comme point de départ commun pour des transactions d'affaires fructueuses. Evidemment, toute spécification particulière sera ensuite étudiée dans le cadre de la relation de partenariat qui unit les professionnels de Poitou-Charentes à leur client. POITOU-CHARENTES INDUSTRIALISTS AND STOCKBREEDERS JOIN FORCES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS This catalogue gives concrete expression to the desire of Poitou-Charentes professionals in the meat-producing sector to join forces for the acknowledgement of their region's dynamism. This catalogue is a reference tool that us professionals are putting at our customers disposal in order to make business relations easier. This guide makes up a standardized nomenclature system: each product is identified by a diagram, a picture, a name and a number, which you will be able to use as a common starting point for fruitful business transactions. Naturally, any particular specification will be examined separately within the framework of the partnership agreement signed between a Poitou-Charentes professional and its customer. DIE VEREINIGUNG DER INDUSTRIELLEN UND VIEHZUCHTER DER POITOU-CHARENTES BEFRIEDIGT IHRE BEDURFNISSE Dieser Katalog bringt den Wunsch der Fleischbranche der Poitou-Charentes konkret zum Ausdruck. Die verschiedenen Fachberufe haben ihre Kompetenzen vereint und bemhen sich um die Anerkennung ihrer dynamischen Region. Dieser Katalog ist ein echtes Referenz-Werkzeug und für die Vereinfachung der Geschäftsbeziehungen gedacht. Wir die Professionellen, stellen ihn unseren Kunden zur Verfgung. Dieser F¸hrer ist nach einer standardisierten Nomenklatur aufgebaut. Jedes Produkt ist schematisiert, mit einem Foto dargestellt, mit seinem Namen und einer Nummer gekennzeichnet. Sie dient Ihnen als gemeinsamer Ausgangspunkt für alle erfolgreichen Gesch”ftstransaktionen. Natürlich wird jede besondere Spezifikation anschlieþend im Rahmen einer parterschaftlichen Beziehung, die die Fachbranche der Poitou-Charentes an ihre Kunden bindet, untersucht. INDUSTRIALES Y GANADEROS DE POITOU-CHARENTES REAGRUPADOS PARA SATISFACER A SUS NECESIDADES Este catálogo concreta la voluntad de los profesionales del escalofón carne de Poitou-Charentes, quienes unen sus competencias para hacer conocer la dinámica de su región. Este catálogo es un útil de referencia que nosotros, profesionales, deseamos poner a la disposición de nuestros clientes para facilitar todo tipo de relación comercial. Esta guía crea un sistema de nomenclatura normalizada : se esquematiza cada producto y se le representa con una foto, cada una de ellas tiene un nombre y un número, los cuales podrán utilizarse como punto de partida común para transaciones de negocios fructuosos. Naturalmente, se estudiará a continuación cualquier especificación particular en el ámbito de las relaciones de colaboración que unen a los profesionales de Poitou-Charentes con sus clientes . Région Poitou Charentes INDUSTRIALI ED ALLEVATORI DI POITOU-CHARENTES RAGGRUPPATI PER SODDISFARE LE VOSTRE ESIGENZE Questo catalogo concretizza la volontà dei professionisti del settore carne di Poitou-Charentes che uniscono le loro competenze per rendere nota la dinamica della loro regione. Questo catalogo è uno strumento di riferimento che noi, professionisti, desideriamo mettere a disposizione dei nostri clienti per agevolare le relazioni commerciali. Questa guida crea un sistema di nomenclature standardizzato: ogni prodotto è schematizzato, rappresentato da una fotografia, identificato dal suo nome e da un numero che potrà essere utilizzato come punto di partenza in comune per transazioni di affari fruttuose. Evidentemente, qualunque specifica particolare sarà in seguito studiata nell¼ambito della relazione di partnership che unisce i professioni di Poitou-Charentes ai loro clienti. INDUSTRIAIS E CRIADORES DA REGIAO DE POITOU-CHARENTES UNIDOS PARA RESPONDER AS SUAS NECESSIDADES Este catálogo concretiza o interesse dos profissionais do sector da carne da região de Poitou-Charentes que é de unir todas as competencias no objectivo de dar a conhecer a dinâmica desta terra. Este catálogo é uma ferramenta de referencia que nós, os profissionais, desejamos por à disposição dos nossos clientes para facilitar as relações comerciais. Este guia cria um sistema de nomenclatura standardizado: cada produto é esquematizado, representado por uma fotografia, identificado com o nome e um número, e que pode ser utilizado como ponto de partida comum para negócios futuros. Obviamente, qualquer especificação será depois estudada no âmbito da relação de participação que une os profissionais da região de Poitou-Charentes com os seus clientes.
Hubert CLERGEAU Le Président représentant l'Industrie
Joseph GABORIT Le Président représentant l'élevage
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Este fim-de-semana o “Porco é rei” em Côja, no concelho de Arganil. A junta de freguesia local promove uma festa inteiramente dedicada ao porco, cuja carne foi, em tempos, a base da alimentação da população. Amanhã, uma matança tradicional recria o que foram as vivências daquela região em que, por altura do Natal, se matavam os porcos que constituíam a alimentação para o resto do ano.
Com efeito, a matança não começa logo pela manhã e nem será real, como manda a tradição, uma vez que actualmente não é permitida fora dos matadouros. Ainda assim, acontece a partir das 15h00, recriando-se o que é possível, e trocando, no momento em que se espetaria a faca, o animal vivo por um já morto. «O porco vivo vai atravessar a vila, com um cesto de milho a abanar à frente, para o atrairmos para o local que queremos. Chegados ao local do “crime” simulamos o agarrar e o meter no banco do porco e trocamo-lo por um morto», explica o presidente da Junta de Freguesia de Côja, adiantando que, a partir daí, o animal é pendurado «como noutro tempo» para então se dar início à animação e ao jantar.
Posted by g 0 comments
pg 13
PG-13 - Parents strongly cautioned
- Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
"As we started on a three week trek through India, my friends roared with laughter when they heard about my Travel Washlet. But by the end of the trip, they were jealous and asked to borrow it. I used it forty to fifty times; it performed flawlessly and still has its original battery. Congratulations on a terrific product!"
Dr. Allan Cohen Washington DC
Watch the Portable in Action
Windows Media
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Contacter le Dataire de Service
Sérénissime Sur-Commission des Provéditeurs Généraux
Transcommission & Sous-Commission Commissionnelle & Satrapique pour la définition du mot Commission
Précommission des DIX Sous-Commission des Permanences
Commission des Imprévisibles
Accommission Dirimante
Commission des Licéités & Harmonies
Cocommission des Inférences
Sous-Commission des Solutions Imaginaires
S.C. Doctrinaire
Prolongeant l'Activité de la S.C. du IVe Manifeste
S.C. des Formes & Grâces
S.C. Chromologique
S.C. des Probabilités
S.C. des Usures
S.C. des Révisions
S.C. des Sciences Inexactes
S.C. des Lieux
S.C. des Jours & des Nuits (chronique)
Commission des Imprévisibles
Cocommission des Inventions
S.C. du Grand Extraordinaire
S.C. du Promptuaire
S.C. des Prix & Pronostics budgétaires
S.C. des Esprits
S.C. de l'Acrote
S.C. de la Gloire & des Protubérances
Intermission des Apothéoses
Intermission des Beaux-Arts &Laids-Arts
Intermission des Ornements
Intermission des Idées
S.C. des Incompétences Réalisatrices
S.C. des Épiphanies & Ithyphanies
S.C. des Attentats
S.C. des Anomphalies
S.C. des Épipompes & Catananches
Commission des Brouillons & Minutes
Cocommission des Ersatz
S.C. Lalologique
S.C. de la Cantonade
S.C. des Orphéons, Cliques & Claques
S.C. des Paraphrases
S.C. de Parémiographie
S.C. des Cercopsies & Plagiats
S.C. des Promulsidaires
S.C. des Hypothèses & Piédestaux
S.C. des Gloses & Gnoses assorties
S.C. des Bascules & Trébuchets
Intermission des Approximations
Intermission de l'Umwertung
S.C. des Apostilles
S.C. des Types
Commission de l'Ordre & du Temps
S.C. de l'Ordinaire & du Petit Extraordinaire
S.C. des Intérimats, Parallages & Substitutions
S.C. des Biais
S.C. des Atermoiements & de toutes les Diamellèses
S.C. des Péremptions
S.C. des Étiages
S.C. des Disparates I
S.C. des Dianyses (appelé aussi des Travaux à Finir)
S.C. Lustratoire
S.C. des Pyramides & Polyèdres
S.C. des Homades (chronique)
Commission des Préséances
Cocomission de Vêture
S.C. de la Maison de Sa Magnificence
S.C. du Grand Extérieur
S.C. des Di?cèses
S.C. des Espèces
S.C. des Emblèmes
S.C. des Monuments Anhistoriques & Historiques
S.C. des Onomonymes
Intermission des Désinences
Intermission des Anagrammes
S.C. des Interprétations
Intermission des Traductions & Trahisons
Intermission des Commodités Imaginaires
S.C. des Équivalences
S.C. des Infinitésimaux & Leptologies
S.C. Mathématiques & Sciences Exactes
Commission des Processions Transquinatoires
Cocomission des P*** S***
S.C. du Pape Marcel
S.C. des Métastases, Assomptions, Diadoses & Assolements
S.C. des Implications & Embrelages
S.C. des Avitaillements & Rangements
Intermission des Résomptions (chronique)
Intermission des Évacuations (perm.)
S.C. du Pain à Cornes
Intermission des Truffes
S.C. du Nardigraphe
S.C. des Funiculaires
S.C. des Tampons
S.C. des Blaireaux
S.C. des Papillons
S.C. des Escortes & Parapompes
Commission des Ellipses, Éclipses & Anesthésies
S.C. Co-Doctrinaire
S.C. des Imprédicables & Épithètes
S.C. des Inadéquations
S.C. des Canons & Parangons
Intermission du Périmètre
Intermission de l'Amélioration des Moyennes
S.C. des Paranomies
S.C. des Moralités Sous-Entendues
S.C. des Disparates II
S.C. de l'Anachronisme & de la Couleur Locale
S.C. des Utilités & Engagements
S.C. des Paralysies & Anesthésies
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
You shall not kill!
VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Got road rage? The Vatican on Tuesday issued a set of "Ten Commandments" for drivers, telling motorists to be charitable to others on the highways, to refrain from drinking and driving, and to pray you make it before you even buckle up.
An unusual document from the Vatican's office for migrants and itinerant people also warned that automobiles can be "an occasion of sin" -- particularly when they are used for dangerous passing or for prostitution.
It warned about the effects of road rage, saying driving can bring out "primitive" behavior in motorists, including "impoliteness, rude gestures, cursing, blasphemy, loss of sense of responsibility or deliberate infringement of the highway code."
It urged motorists to obey traffic regulations, drive with a moral sense, and to pray when behind the wheel.
The "Drivers' Ten Commandments," as listed by the document, are:
1. You shall not kill.
2. The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.
3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.
4. Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents.
5. Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin.
6. Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive when they are not in a fitting condition to do so.
7. Support the families of accident victims.
8. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.
9. On the road, protect the more vulnerable party.
10. Feel responsible toward others.
Posted by Gárgula Eléctrica 0 comments
'Refreshing the parts others can't reach'
Japan's All Nippon Airways will install bidets as standard in its fleet of 787 Dreamliners when they start flying next year, in a bid to attract more fastidious passengers from its home country, where the "washlet" is commonplace.

The combination bidet-toilets will "refresh the parts other airlines cannot reach", ANA chief executive Mineo Yamamoto said in Seattle. He was speaking hours before the first 787 was unveiled at Boeing’s nearby plant in Everett, Washington. The bidet is a standard fixture in about 60 per cent of Japanese households, according to a survey by the country's Cabinet Office.
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
gourmet Google
[google's free snack room]
food I have eaten at Google...
Posted by Kinoape 0 comments
the girlfriend

Posted by Kinoape 0 comments
Posted by Kinoape 0 comments
Bumper Pull
Stylish, affordable and compact, Featherlite bumper pulls come in both straight and slant loads. You can get "Big Horse" models, while others are designed for towing behind SUVs and motorhomes. You can also get models with dressing rooms. With the aerodyne nose on bumper pulls, towing will never be easier. Featherlite’s "Light-Flo" feed doors, standard in all bumper pull horse trailers, provide dramatically more light and air flow in the horse area for easier loading and a calmer, healthier environment. Plus, Featherlites now come with their new sleek, ‘Wave’ side panels!
Featherlite standard aluminum horse trailers are equipped with a unique package of industry-leading standard features. You can also add options to the trailer to better suit your needs. With Featherlite’s all-aluminum construction, you receive extraordinary durability and a great-looking trailer. It’s lighter, easier to tow and you can rely on it for many years and many miles. | |
Custom Aluminum Models Featherlite custom design and manufacturing expertise gives you hundreds of options to choose from for your next horse trailer. Featherlite will build your trailer from the ground up based on your customized choices. With Featherlite’s all-aluminum construction, you receive extraordinary durability and a great-looking trailer. It’s lighter, easier to tow and you can rely on it for many years and many miles. | |
Big Horse Models The Featherlite "Big Horse" Series is specially tailored for warmbloods, thoroughbreds and larger breed horses or for those who desire additional room for their larger horses. The "Big Horse" trailers are bigger, wider, taller and more comfortable. | |
Posted by g 0 comments
nightmare before christmas
Butlins Minehead looks out across a superb sandy beach.
The new site not only has a supermarket, newsagent and cash points, it also has Burger King, Pizza Hut, Finnigan's fish and chips, Sun and Moon, Skyline Cafe and Yacht Club Dining room. Onsite facilities include a cinema, Splash Water World - a sub-tropical environment that has a huge wave pool, a swimming pool, 3 flumes and also a flume based raft ride - Ten-pin bowling and amusement arcade. Sports include Archery, Football, Basketball, Darts, Petanque, Fencing, Kwik Cricket, Netball, Rounders, Table Tennis, Outdoor Bowls and Crazy Golf.
Butlins Holiday Resort Minehead, Somerset , TA24 5SH is located near Taunton.
Chosen for its flat landscape and good rail links, Butlins Minehead is located on the Bristol Channel coast in Somerset. The camp was opened on the 26 May 1962 at a cost of around £2 million and was the largest of the Butlins post-war camps.
Butlins Minehead underwent its first set of improvements during the 1960s, when problems with flooding were fixed and a miniature railway, chairlift and monorail were added to the camp in 1964, 1965 and 1967 respectively.
In 1986, Butlins Minehead was the first of the Butlins sites to undergo major redevelopment work as part of the 1980s investment programme. £10 million was spent and this renovation which saw the refurbishment of the indoor swimming pool as well as new chalets and flatlets. Following the redevelopment work, the camp was renamed Somerwest World.
Through the late 1980s to mid 1990s, the monorail, chairlift and miniature railway were removed from the park. In 1993, the amusement park was reopened by Lady Dolly Butlin following a move to the front of the camp.
In 1998, Butlins Minehead was selected as one of the three sites to remain open and again underwent major redevelopment. A Skyline Pavilion was added to the resort and the name Somerwest World was dropped. From 1999 further development work saw the modification of Minehead's chalet accommodation and the addition of Europe's largest high ropes course to the site.
Butlins Minehead developed the Exmoor Adventures which include a climbing wall, divinghorse riding, Land Rover Safari, fly & sea fishing, sailing, canoeing and coasteering. courses,
In 2007, further work in the Minehead resort is being under taken with the creation of new timeshare apartments. The website contains further information.
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
já sobravam poucos sítios públicos onde se pudesse folhear um livro e deixar que os olhos se fechassem para uma sesta reconfortante em transito.
pelos vistos a TAP quer ser pioneira em fazer das suas viagens um festival de toques polifónicos, de discussoes empreendedoras no banco de trás, de mamãs a dizer "-Vá conta ao papá e diz-lhe que estás por cima das nuvens" e de adolescentes a adptar 'toques' à cidade destino: Yann Tiersen para Paris, Manu Chao para Barcelona.
Posted by g 0 comments
Bi-Sexual blonde bombshell seeking friendship with room to grow. I'm honest, understanding, romantic, affectionate, open minded and reliable. I like to hike, go bicycling, cook, dance, sew and take long walks in the rain. I'm a lady in public but 100% woman behind closed doors. Write and let me make your day, I promise you won't be disappointed.
Location: California
Race: White
Date of Birth: 1-1-80
Release Date:
Height: 5'3"
Religion: Catholic
Do you have children: yes, one
Do you smoke: no
Sexual Preference: bisexual
Do you want mail from both sexes: yes
Education: high school, vocational school,
Occupation before prison: data word processor
Activities in prison: reading, drawing, racquetball, sewing
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Focky Fock
[in: 'O que farei eu com esta espada?' de João César Monteiro]
Posted by Gárgula Eléctrica 0 comments
the lady in red
'Chris De Burgh cured my paralysed arm'
...began walking again "within 20 minutes" of his form of "alternative therapy".
In 2004, De Burgh threatened legal action against anybody who mentioned his healing powers after his daughter spoke about his 'gift'.
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
easter special
French Onion Dip I generally don't even like french onion dip on potato chips, so why did I think it would be any better with communion wafers? Points off for lack of forethought.
Pros: The onion taste pretty much obscures the taste of the wafer.
Cons: It's like eating a blister.
Rating: 2-Mediocre
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
burn the witch
"Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards has claimed he snorted the ashes of his late father during a drugs binge."
"I Was Keith Richards' Drug Dealer"
Anita Pallenberg had met the Rolling Stones in 1965. She immediately began sexual relations with three out of the five members of the group. Anger, commenting on Anita, said, "I believe that Anita is, for want of a better word, a witch.... The occult unit within the Stones was Keith and Anita.... and Brian Jones. You see, Brian was a witch too." Anger says Jones had a third nipple, on his inner thigh; the extra nipple traditionally considered a certain sign of being a witch.
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
google TiSP
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Félix Faure
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris
good news!
lei siu long is back!
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Salazar eleito "o maior português de sempre" em programa da RTP
Deixa-me rir
Essa história não é tua
Falas da festa, do Sol e do prazer
Mas nunca aceitaste o convite
Tens medo de te dar
E não é teu o que queres vender
a notícia vem no público, assustador o que passa pela cabeça dos portugueses.
Posted by g 0 comments
What's a SPAM JAM® Festival?
It is a celebration of all things SPAM®. In theory, this encompasses everything from a global day of SPAMTM unity all the way to the simple act of just one human being enjoying SPAM® in a sandwich or a SPAMBURGER® Hamburger.
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
man ideal
Bem vindo ao melhor site de namoro onde homens e mulheres latinos solteiros se conhecem para encontrar parceiros para casamento. LatinamericanCupid.com não é uma agência de casamento e nós não oferecemos nenhuma latina que esteja noiva ou casada.
Sim, é de graça para Latinos: registro grátis, colocação adicional grátis, apresentação de foto grátis, busca grátis de perfis de membros e recibo de mensagens grátis. Entretanto, se você for homem precisará pagar para adesão. Para associar-se clique aqui.
Breve Descrição do Membro
English Translation:
I seek entity to converse and to know, of different types and asi tambien concoer different cultures and I love to do amgos to converse to know the people and to understand them for asi to form weary =) aver that but me encata to leave to entertain me as tambien to pass a good afternoon at home... my animos are very changing but i like chatter well and to know new people
Q interests me be a person sincere, good friend, healthy and i like the sure and introverted people of itself, with its definite personality^^.
I do not be able decribirme!!! simply I am friendly, amusing, honest. I seek good friendships. not itself! or simply me abandonment to carry.
I am a woman dinamica, cheerful, I am going to be with the friends leave for stroll, travel, I worship sports aquaticos.am fragil in the strong and certain hours qdo necessario, loving and a lot helpful, dreamy
it like to know a strong man of personality stabilized financially, romantico, cheerful q likes itself amuse
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
How to Get out of a Car Gracefully Without Showing Your Underwear
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments
Acid Mother TV
The Virgin Mary would like you to note
that due to the overwhelming response
to her previous appearances and communications,
She asked the Angel Gabriel to set up a website
Message board opinions especially welcome.....
Your voice will be heard....every voice counts...
and no-one will be discounted...
She will take every opinion into her own hands...
and massage it gently before sending back.
Are you set up... to get back to your visions?
Your voices please.
Posted by Gárgula Eléctrica 0 comments
<--Tracy in the Paris Catacombs
We chained our pushbikes to the railings, and trotted across the bright late afternoon road, bought tickets at the tiny ticket booth in the entrance, then clattered unattended down an iron staircase deep down into the chilly damp depths of Catacombs that burrow innumerable labyrinths underneath the streets of Paris.
Briefly, these Catacombs had been most extensively used during the French Revolution by aristocrats evading the guillotine. After the revolution they were used to store the bones from surface cemetries which were cleared to create land for building. More recently, it is said that they were used by the Resistance during the Nazi occupation to hide fugitives. During the 1950s, the Parisian Situationists accidentally discovered a previously unknown entrance in to the Catacombs and spent sometime exploring the disused and unlit sections as part of their Psychogeographical research. Guy Debord makes references to this Situationist activity in his 1958 essay "The theory of the derive", claiming that "slipping by night into buildings undergoing demolition, hitch-hiking non-stop and without destination through Paris during a transportation strike in order to add to the confusion, wandering in subterranean catacombs forbidden to the public" were typically seen as revolutionary acts by the Situationist participants. Later, (in another essay "The Adventure" December 1960) Debord re-uses the Catacombs as a metaphor for the subversive nature of the Situationist ideology "The Situationists are in the catacombs of the visible culture".
Posted by Gárgula Eléctrica 1 comments
Yoga is evil
Posted by Kinoape 0 comments
the nanometer-silver cryptomorphic condom
The condom-in-a-can is essentially an antiseptic foam spray that the manufacturer claims forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect.
It's designed for female rather than male usage.
Posted by Lorde Mexilhão Corredor 0 comments